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You can show support by using one of these referral links below, you will also benefit from these links.
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Wealthsimple Trade

Wealthsimple is a commission-free trading app that offers Free stocks equivalent to up to $25.
Join and get Free Stocks here: LINK
If you already have an account but woud still like to benefit from this offer, you still can just follow these instructions.
Log into your Wealthsimple Trade App
Click on the “gift icon” in the top right of the main screen.
At the bottom of the screen select: “I was referred by someone”
You will be asked for the code from your referrer’s link
Use this code: 8GLXHA
Trading view is one of the most popular charting software.

Interactive Broker
Interactive is a worldwide publicly-traded broker that offers low-commission trading and low exchange rates.
Earn up to $1000 by using this link.