Fox? Is that you?
The fuck happened to your face, dude?
Hun? What? Ho shit! Yeah, I undergo surgery almost yearly, you know, part of the job.
Geez they fucked you up real good hon', what a mess.
Good to see you too... I guess.
Haaaa! Get in my arms you fool, long time no see.
Well this is also part of the job, I'm so sorry. I just... I wish I could pass by...sometimes...
What matters is that you are still alive, for real, we thought that maybe... you know.
I know, almost ten years in a few days.
Geez really? Time flies.
It sure does...
So I guess you're in town because of what's happening?
I am!
Then tell me what is all about?
I was hoping you could do the same.
Come outside with me.

Pharma: Remember when I used to fantasize about moving to Paris? All I wanted was to stack enough to bail far away from this mess. Always dreamed of learning their savoir-faire, the ways of the fine cuisine française, you know. I would have given everything to start with a blank slate somewhere else, imagine! Me! Being a line-cook, a simple life with a happy ending, every day the same old struggle, but this time without all the gore. I mean... We did what we did, ain't no point going back but damn, life didn't let me fulfill that dream, you know, too much responsibility down there...

The thing is I never really gave up on that, what I couldn't get because of mischiefs, became what I could get, it brought me other opportunities, you see.
We built this replica with the city officials as a community effort to improve the desirability of the section, and bullshit, bullshit. Truth is, I wanted the fucking Eiffel Tower and I couldn't have it, so I fucking built it in my backyard. I blatantly bought myself a shiny toy through corruption
and dirty money, just because, well... just because.
So you see, the morale of this story is I'm gonna get what I want, one way or another, so please Fox tell me what you fucking know!
Funny that you brought your inner devils in your backyard just after destroying the old ones... Sorry for that, but I had to.... Look Pharma, I don't want to fight you, I'm just coming to say hi.
The Council of Nines reached me in person, I got biocoded a few implements, they told me that I was elected to represent The Mission in Frampton City in 20 hours, they told me to be careful because time were tense, and my identity was at risk, I already fuck it up by the way. I was chosen because of my ties with the city. They Stated: my voice shall not be heard by the syndicate, and my ears shall understand all things, even the most intricate.
Hum... Ok.... Good enough... Managing by rhymin! I like it! Geez dude you're still a puppet after all this time?
The fuck you mean? I serve The Mission, it's an honor to do so.
Well at least you got rank, my man is gonna be sitting at the circle with the big boys eh?
Haha... Nah for real, who am I kidding? I'm expendable, and I know the circus, so hey look! The perfect guy for the job!
You poor soul! Hey, wanna eat something? I got some stuff made by a chef that I brought straight from France to my backyard, you asshole. For real, you gotta try this, that amazing fucker is getting paid more than an entire oven squad, so I better make sure I capitalize on my investment you know.
Sure, I'm starving, did a full day stuck under the floor of a smuggler’s truck.
Man, you really gave up everything for this shit stained life. Pfft! Dumb ass fool. You know all doors are still open here, man, the fuck are you doing?
I'd love too, but I can't.
Thought y'all were free or something!
Well, nobody is, then we are all born free. Freedom is not given or earned, Freedom is not a word nor a thing, freedom is the lie, There is no choice!
Yeah yeah, fuckin gibberish, y'all Missionaries giving me the creeps.
Ok, I know... I just... it won't happen again.

So what are you up to these Days? Except talking like a brainwashed sheep.
Well got affected to the field operations, so mainly politics I guess, kind of suck, didn't go under for like a year.
For real, you were ruling that shit back then, actually we probably wouldn't have done half of what we did without your expertise. Why the fuck would they not take advantage of this, doesn't make any sense.

Well, we got to be careful... They're stuffing me with all these codes and implements to make sure I stay ghost, so when I go under, I leave so few tracks that it kind of becomes a path of missing clues pointing straight at us. Ironic isn't.
You would have died before letting any biocoders fuck with your genes just a few years ago, crazy how people change, hmm?
Well I know for sure that the back door isn't a one direction highway to The Singular and the state, so I mean, I wasn't against the idea.
Yeah, whatever dude. Do you know how you're gonna get to the meeting?
Hell, Shit, I don't even know where it's at, I gotta use your Coms.
Don't mind it, the spot came in earlier, do you need a ride?
Well, you know I don't do air transport, too risky.
Haha! Man, when you will see what you're getting into, you'll understand. No risk there buddy, I got you a sleeper ride.
Pharma brings me through a rusty spiral staircase, my legs are burning when we finally arrive at the top of the building.

Well, when you said there was no risk, you weren't taking in consideration the simple fact of literally flying a garbage can 200 feet up in the air.
Ha! Come on dude, don't be such a wimp, I told you this baby is a sleeper. 15 hundreds clicks an hour, 2 inches of plate on all sides and military grade emergency thrusters if shit ever go down, this machine does not crash, hell it doesn't even crack.
And what about the state chips?
Don't worry about it, someone somewhere made sure nobody will stop us, or else I paid a hefty sum for nothing, which never happens.
Well I guess I agreed to get at the moment I accepted to take a look at this monstrosity.
I dare you to call my baby like this again!
Ha! Don't you know that I'm terrible at not taking a challenge, Pharma?
